Cervical osteochondrosis is a common problem in the life of a modern person. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, computers, phones and various gadgets contribute to the development of this disease. What to do: run to the doctor or try to treat yourself at home?
Benefits of home prevention
First of all, you need to understand that cervical osteochondrosis is a chronic disease and it cannot be cured by a single pill or injection. The destroyed cartilage tissue between the vertebrae will not be restored. You need to learn to live with this, stop the process of destruction and maintain your health at the proper level.
Home prevention of osteochondrosis is the best way to combat it. There is no need to spend money on going to the doctor or buying expensive medications (it is not a fact that they will help you). Pills and injections will only relieve the pain and ease your suffering for a while. And the miraculous passes of manual technicians, which will also cost you a pretty penny, have long ceased to inspire confidence.
Let's see how to prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis at home.
The first step in treating cervical osteochondrosis at home is rubbing. They help relieve pain, inflammation and improve blood circulation:
- Horseradish with vodka. Mix the crushed horseradish root in a blender (or coffee grinder) with vodka (or alcohol) in equal proportions. Rub the resulting mixture onto the neck area before going to bed for 10 to 14 days.
- Calendula with cologne. Pour 200 grams of crushed dried calendula flowers with a mixture of camphor alcohol and cologne (1: 1). After infusing for two weeks, strain and rub the neck area.
- Olive oil, plantain and sage. Pour an herbal mixture of two tablespoons of plantain and sage with 50 ml of olive oil and 40 ml of melted petroleum jelly. Apply this mixture to the neck area and rub. Then wrap a warm scarf (preferably wool) around your neck. Repeat the procedure up to three times a day.
- Pork fat and propolis. Melt the pork fat (150 ml) on the stove or in the microwave. Add propolis (30 g) to it. Mix and rub overnight. Also use a wool scarf.
- Mumiyo with honey. Mix honey with crushed mummy tablets, put the resulting mixture on a bandage and apply it to the neck like a bandage.
- Saline solution. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in 200 ml of hot water. Apply gauze (or a bandage) soaked in this liquid to the neck.
- Red bell pepper. 1 spoon of ground red pepper is mixed with camphor (200 ml) and medical bile (200 ml). Before applying the resulting composition, lubricate your neck with vegetable oil.
- Rubbing of pharmaceutical products. Take alcohol (200 ml), 10 drops of iodine and camphor, mix. Grind 5 metamizole sodium tablets. Add to the mixture. Use as friction as needed.
- Ginger ointment. Grind ginger root (55 g) on a fine grater, add 3 cloves of garlic, softened butter (30 g). As a flavoring agent, you can add a few drops of essential oil with a pleasant aroma.
Important!All rubs are applied only to the entire skin!
In all the variety of folk remedies for the treatment of osteochondrosis, tinctures occupy an important place:
- Sabelnik.30 grams of dry cinquefoil are poured with half a liter of boiling water and left in the dark for 3 weeks. Drink the resulting solution 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.
- Chamomile and mint.Pour mint and chamomile (1 tablespoon each) into 300 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink half a glass a day 2 times.
- Lemon and garlic.Add chopped garlic (200 g) to the squeezed juice of 4 lemons. Pour in water and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Drink half a glass after breakfast for 3 weeks.
- Parsley roots.Pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water over the chopped parsley roots (50 g) and cook for 1 hour 30 minutes over low heat. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day (3 weeks).
- Pine buds.In early spring, harvest pine buds (no more than 2 cm long). Cut into circles, place in a glass bowl, add sugar in a ratio of 1: 2. Leave for 2 weeks. During this time, the mixture will acquire a golden brown hue. Take 10 ml of infusion 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. The pain disappears after a few days.
- Sunflower roots.They have been stocking up since the fall. Wash, dry, grind. Dilute 150 grams of the dry mixture with water (2. 7 l), bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes. Take 30 minutes after meals. The resulting decoction is enough for 3 days.
- Monastic recipe.Take speedwell, string, wheatgrass roots (all 20 grams), burdock root (25 grams), tricolor violet (30 grams). Mix the ingredients. From the total amount, take 40 grams and add them to 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, let cool, filter. Take a glass 3 times a day.
- Pine decoction.Young pine or spruce needles are used. Add 250 grams per liter of water. pine needlesBoil for 30 minutes. Take 2 times a day half an hour after meals. The prepared broth is enough for 3 days.

Important!Home treatment with tinctures taken orally should not exceed 30 days. After a break, the course can be repeated.
Therapeutic baths
A fairly effective way to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home:
- Salt baths.Dissolve salt (4-6 kg) in 500 ml of water. Pour the resulting solution into lukewarm water. Take a bath for at least 15 minutes.
- Turpentine bath.Add 20 to 50 ml of turpentine to a lukewarm water bath. This procedure will reduce the inflammatory process and will have a resolving and restorative effect.
- Pine bath.Pine needle extract can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy. Add to water while taking a bath.
- Chamomile bath. Dry chamomile flowers (300 g) pour water (5 l). Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 20 minutes. Strain. Take a chamomile bath for at least 30 minutes.

Therapeutic compresses
If you suffer from severe neck pain, you cannot do without therapeutic compresses prepared at home:
- Honey potatoes.Add 2 tablespoons of honey to a large grated potato. Apply the resulting mixture to folded gauze in several layers. Apply the compress to the neck, wrap it with cellophane and tie a woolen scarf. Leave all night. The duration of the course is 7 to 10 days.
- Horseradish leaves.Scald 2-3 horseradish leaves with boiling water, let them cool and only then can you apply it to the sore spot. Wrap with a woolen scarf and leave overnight. After 10 to 14 sessions, take a break. Then you can repeat it again.
- Kerosene compress.Dip a piece of cloth or gauze in kerosene and apply it to the sore neck. Wrap it in cellophane and a warm scarf. Remove after 2 hours. Repeat for 2 weeks.
- Burdock.Steam fresh burdock leaves in a bain-marie. When warm, apply to neck and secure with a scarf. Keep 1 hour.
You can also use ozokerite at home. 25 grams. Melt the ozokerite in a water bath. Then pour it into an enameled dish whose bottom is covered with cling film. Let it cool a little (so it doesn't burn), take it out with the film and apply it to your neck. Keep 1 hour. The course includes 15-20 procedures.
Before the procedure, it is advisable to consult a doctor, as there are contraindications for hypertension, vascular and heart diseases.
Pharmacy talkers
Pharmaceutical purees are mixtures prepared based on pharmaceutical preparations. They relieve pain and inflammation well. The most common of them: medical alcohol, camphor, iodine, metamizole sodium.
Mix medical alcohol (300 ml) with camphor (10 ml) and iodine (10 ml). Pour 10 tablets of crushed metamizole sodium into the resulting composition. Apply to the affected area by rubbing.
The following recipe consists of alternating two compositions:
- 50 grams of mustard + 50 ml of diluted medical alcohol + the same amount of camphor + 3 beaten egg whites.
- 50 ml of aloe + 150 ml of medical alcohol (diluted) + 100 ml of honey.
Infuse the prepared mixtures in a dark place for 10-12 hours. How the treatment works: alternate the use of the products (3 days each) for 12 days.
Applicators are useful for relieving pain and relaxing muscles. You can buy them at pharmacies and orthopedic stores. Relief from the patient's suffering occurs after the first use, and regular use normalizes sleep, relieves headaches and normalizes blood pressure.
A collar massager gives good results. This automatic device is equipped with a control panel with which you can adjust the level of impact on the neck area.

The use of hand massagers, often with thermal effects, is no less effective. The jade massager has also proven itself well. It's not cheap, but judging by the reviews, it's worth the money spent.
Of course, you can go to your local clinic for a massage. But you will have to adapt to the massage therapist's busy schedule, wasting time running back and forth and picking up absolutely unnecessary viruses and bacteria in the hospital corridors.
You can invite a massage therapist to your home. Very convenient. But believe me, pleasure is not cheap. How many sessions are enough for you?
It is much better (and more profitable) to learn how to do a healthy massage yourself at home.

So, how to properly massage your neck yourself? First you need to sit comfortably in a chair and relax.
Important!The massage should not be painful. Sudden movements and violent influences are excluded.
Basic rules:
- the massage is done only with the hands, without any additional devices;
- no strong pressure: all movements are gentle, caressing;
- the direction of movement is from the vertebrae to the periphery.
Basic movements:
- trituration;
- kneading;
- caress;
- tap;
- tingling.
Impact area:
- neck muscles (lateral and posterior surface);
- the back of the head
Place your left hand on your right shoulder, while turning your head to the left. Start the movements from the neck and end with the shoulder. Then change hands and turn your head in the opposite direction. The session lasts 5 to 7 minutes.
The rubbing is done in a circular motion from the neck to the shoulder. 3-4 approaches on each side. The head also turns towards the opposite shoulder.
Using the same principle of movement, pinch for 2-3 minutes on each side. When you tap, your palm should be shaped like a boat. The directions of movement are the same. We end the massage with caresses.
Therapeutic exercises are an obligatory procedure in the treatment of osteochondrosis (any, not only cervical). This should be done not only in the morning immediately after waking up, but also throughout the day. At first, you may feel dizzy. Sit down and continue the exercises.

Here are some of the effective exercises for the cervical spine:
- Stand (or sit) straight, place your hands behind your head with your fingers crossed. Press the back of your head with your palms, while your head resists.
- Place your right palm on your right temple. Press on your temple, while your head resists. Do the same thing on the other side.
- Tilt your head back and forth.
- Tilt your head left and right.
- Head rotation.
- Sitting on the floor, bring your knees toward your chest. Reach your forehead to your knees, stretching your neck. Wait a few seconds.
Important!All movements are fluid, without jerks. Listen to your feelings!
Proper nutrition will complement all of the above methods of treating cervical osteochondrosis.
To function properly, the body must receive a certain amount of nutrients. And preferably daily food. If for some reason your diet does not contain all the necessary substances, you need to replenish their intake by taking multivitamins.
The amount of water you drink per day is very important (according to medical standards - 1. 5-2 liters).
Dietary recommendations:
- exclude soups with fatty broths. Vegetable soups with water are welcome;
- lean meat and fish, boiled or baked;
- no more than 3 eggs per week;
- exclude white bread. We favor whole grains or with bran;
- Among vegetables, we treat legumes and spinach with caution;
- fruits in any quantity (except grapes);
- porridge, especially whole grain (not instant! );
- dairy products (low fat), cheeses;
- limit animal fats;
- reduce the amount of sweets, especially sugar;
- herbal teas, infusions, chicory drink, weak tea are very useful;
- dried fruits;
- to obtain potassium: potatoes, cabbage, bananas, eggplants;
- to obtain magnesium: nuts, millet, buckwheat, soy.
A positive result in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis can only be achieved with an integrated approach. Regular exercise and good nutrition will help prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. And if osteochondrosis still surprises you, take advantage of our advice on its treatment.